
“Of Microscopes and Monsters” is a blog linked to my personal webpages, www.martynkelly.co.uk. I originally started a blog on this site but when I upgraded the pages, it became easier to manage the blog from a separate site. The web pages bring together my interests in the microscopic world and art, using skills I gained during a fine art degree at the University of Sunderland to visualise the hidden worlds of Britain’s freshwaters.

“Of Microscopes and Monsters” is also the title of an illustrated book on the microscopic life of lakes and rivers, how man’s activities can affect this and why we need to be concerned. This book is available as a free download from my website.


A rare moment of enthusiasm for charismatic megafauna, Chengdu, China, April 2016.



6 thoughts on “About

  1. I was interested to read of your search for Druridgea compressa. I have been following its growth on a similar sandy beach in Cornwall for a number of years. Observations can be found in the Quekett Journal of Microscopy for 2010, volume 41 pages193-202.
    Best wishes,
    John Berryman

  2. I’m interested in Donkin’s diatom work. The QJM refernce you give does not check out – no article by Donkin in QJM 1: 1-15. Also in the George West who illustrated his book.

  3. Martyn,

    I don’t always have time to read your posts, but when I do get a chance to catch up and binge, I always enjoy them. There is so much to learn about the microbial world. And also, so much to forget, as you note in a recent post. I hope that more young folks will take a look through a microscope and join the investigation of these crazy forms of life on planet Earth.

    Best Regards,

  4. Hello Martyn. I came across your website and found your studies very interesting! Me and my group are a group of students from UCL, looking in to algae for future appliances in design. We were wondering if we may able to talk to you about algae. We would be enormously grateful. Thank you very much 🙂

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