Who do you think you are?

Few objects are more beautiful than the minute siliceous cases of the diatomaceae: were these created that they may be examined and admired under the higher powers of the microscope?  The beauty in this latter case, and in many others, is apparently wholly due to symmetry of growth.

Charles Darwin (1859) On the Origin of Species

Over the past couple of years I’ve written several posts giving overviews of the major groups of freshwater algae (most recently “Origin story …” and “Unlikely bedfellows …”).  I know that the of freshwater algae can be very confusing for outsiders, and I thought that sketching out some “family trees” might help folk work out how all these disparate groups link together.   The one group that seem to have slipped through the net, however, are the diatoms, the group which is the main focus of my professional life.   

That might be because I’m too close to the animated discussions that sometimes erupt around diatom systematics.   Those discussions, in turn, point to an absence of unambiguous evidence concerning the origins of the major groups.  David Williams and Pat Kociolek wrote in 2007 that “… a natural classification is still a long way off” and that statement still holds in 2022.  As a result, what follows is a “work in progress” that should, at least, help ecologists see how the many different types of diatoms they encounter fit into a bigger picture. 

Stephanodiscus – a centric diatom belonging to the Mediophyceae.   The photo at the top of the post shows species of Navicula – representatives of the Bacillariophyceae.  All photos: Chris Carter.

Broadly speaking, classifications of diatoms can be divided into three phases: 

  • the era when classifications were based what you could see with a light microscopy;
  • the era when classifications were based on what you could see with light and electron microscopy; and,
  • the era when classifications were informed by molecular genetics, as well as by light and electron microscopy.

Whilst the first era extended from the invention of microscopes in the 17th century to the late sixties, the second and third eras have both been compressed into the last half century, the “early adopters” of molecular approaches rubbing up against conservative-minded scientists still largely reliant on light and electron microscopy.

When I started, the standard work was Fredrich Hustedt’s 1930 Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa, which treated diatoms as a class, divided into two orders, the centrics (diatoms with at least one plane of radial symmetry) and the pennates (diatoms with at least one plane of longitudinal symmetry).   The pennate diatoms were, in turn, divided into those with and without raphes (the Araphidinae and Raphidineae respectively).  Hustedt was not the originator of this classification, but his works informed so much taxonomy in the middle and later twentieth centuries, that it is his name that is most associated with it.   Indeed, it was still the prevalent classification when Krammer and Lange-Bertalot started their revision of the Süsswasserflora in 1986.  

The classification of diatoms following Hustedt (1930), recognising diatoms as a class, and centric and pennate diatoms as two distinct orders. 

In 1990, however, Frank Round, Dick Crawford and David Mann produced a new classification, drawing much more on information from electron microscopy than Hustedt was able to do.   The end result of this classification is much the same as before – with centrics, araphids and raphids separated – but the two groups of pennate diatoms were now of equivalent rank to the centric diatoms.  Note, too, that diatoms as a whole have been promoted to a division rather than a class.   This juggling of taxonomic ranks might seem like an unnecessary complication for end-users, but it is absolutely necessary if the end-result is a “natural classification”, as referred to above.   Putting raphids and araphids as subgroups within a single pennate group implies that all pennate diatoms shared the same ancestor, regardless of whether or not they have a raphe. The Round/Crawford/Mann classification, by contrast, suggests that raphid and araphid pennates might be two separate lineages without a common ancestor.     

The classification of diatoms following Round et al. (1990), recognising diatoms as a Division and centrics, araphid pennate and raphid pennates as three distinct classes.

The first big impact of molecular genetics, however, was on the centric diatoms, hitherto thought of as a natural group.   Linda Medlin and Irena Kaczmarska broke the diatoms into two subphyla, with the centric diatoms now divided between these.   The Coscinodicophytina includes common freshwater diatoms such as Melosira varians (see “Some like it hot …”) whilst other common freshwater centrics such as Cyclotella and Stephanodiscus are in the class Mediophyceae within the Bacillariophytina, implying a closer relationship to pennate diatoms than hitherto suspected.   The Mediophyceae, whilst common in freshwaters, tend to be planktonic rather than benthic, so I have never really given them the attention that they deserve in this blog. The pennates, meanwhile, are back as a single group, the Bacillariophyceae, with both araphids and raphids combined.

The classification of diatoms following Medlin and Kaczmaraska (2004), with centric diatoms split between two classes.

That’s almost the end of the story, insofar as the Medlin/Kaczmarska approach is used by AlgaeBase, the website that summarises taxonomic knowledge of the algae.   However, further work has shown that this is still not a “natural” classification.  That would mean yet another shake-up, probably with at least nine separate, albeit “natural”, groups (see Theriot et al. in reference list).  There is now a very clear tension between those who believe that this is the best way forward in the long term and those who believe that minimizing the overall disruption experienced by end-users of taxonomic processes is also a consideration.   

Melosira varians – a representative of the Coscinodiscophyceae.   Cells are typically about 20 micrometres (= 1/50th of a millimetre) in diameter.  Photos: Chris Carter.

Interestingly, that final point may, itself, become the reason why we need a natural classification in the future.  At present (and at risk of upsetting systematists), higher classification provides a useful indexing system that means I can pluck a book off my shelves, and flick through to find the appropriate pages, when I am trying to identify a diatom.   All the older systems work just fine at that level.   The problem comes when we are using metabarcoding to identify diatoms.   Because our barcode reference libraries are far from complete, we cannot assign every sequence in a sample to an appropriate species.  In such cases, it would be good to assign it to a higher taxon and, for this to work, our reference libraries need to be arranged around a meaningful hierarchy, and systems that are adequate for a pragmatic light microscopist will cause problems for the logical decision-making processes that are used in bioinformatics routines.   

I’ve long argued that the “craft” of identifying diatoms is different to the science of taxonomy.  I could go further: taxonomists have, in recent years, tended to be more concerned about cataloguing variation within species and genera (discovering a lot more diversity than hitherto expected in the process) than with understanding the interrelationships amongst these groups.   However, we may now be closing the circle: “craft” of identifying diatoms got along fine with just occasional nods to systematics for a long time.  The brave new world of metabarcoding might mean that systematics is, once again, recognised as the important discipline that it should be. 


Adl., S., Bass, D., Lane, C.E., Lukeš, J. et al. (2018).  Revisions to the classification, nomenclature, and diversity of eukaryotes.  Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 66: 4-119.   


Medlin, L.K. & Kaczmarska, I. (2004).   Evolution of the diatoms: V. morphological and cytological support for the major clades and a taxonomic revision.  Phycologia 43: 245-270.

Round, F.E., Crawford, R.M. & Mann, D.G. (1990).  The Diatoms: Biology and Morphology of the Genera.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Theriot, E.C., Ashworth, M.P., Nakov, T., Ruck, E. & Jansen, R.K. (2015).  Dissecting signal and noise in diatom chloroplast protein encoding genes with phylogenetic information processing. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 89: 28-36.

Williams, D.M. & Kociolek, J.P. (2007). Pursuit of a natural classification of diatoms: history, monophyly and the rejection of paraphyletic taxa.   European Journal of Phycology 42: 313-319.  

Some other highlights from this week:

Wrote this whilst listening to: Wet Leg and caroline’s eponymous debut albums plus Father John Misty’s Chloë and the Next 20th Century.

Currently reading:   Colm Tóibín’s The Magician, a novel about the life of Thomas Mann

Cultural highlight: first visit to the threatre since the start of the pandemic.  Went to see Red Ellen – about the life of Labour politician Ellen Wilkinson – at Newcastle Playhouse.  

Culinary highlight: “MSC carbonara”.  Recipe: buy seafood which has a blue Marine Stewardship Council logo on it, and make a carbonara from it.  This one was made from prawns, and enhanced by a pinch of chilli flakes and some lemon juice.  The next one will be made from something else.

When a green alga is not necessarily a Green Alga…


I will end this short series of posts on the organisation of the major groups of algae with a look at the Xanthophyceae, or yellow-green algae.   My old copy of West and Fritsch’s Treatise on British Freshwater Algae from 1927 includes this group of algae with the green algae, although we now know that, apart from a generally green appearance, these two groups of algae have very little in common.  The big differences lie, however, in the types of details that are beyond the purview of the casual natural historian, so you may well find yourself flicking back and forth between “green algae” and “yellow-green algae” as you try to put a name on a specimen.  The definitive test is to add some iodine to your sample, as the Xanthophyceae do not produce starch as a storage product, and so do not produce the characteristic blue-black colour in the cells.  However, iodine is messy stuff and most of us will struggle along without for as long as possible.

The five orders of Xanthophyceae are shown in the table below.   In contrast to the case for most algal groups where molecular studies have led to many revisions of traditional classifications, the Orders of the Xanthophyceae have proved to be quite robust when subjected to this type of scrutiny.   Two of the Orders have siphonous organisation, though the form that this takes is very different in each (see “The pros and cons of cell walls” for more about siphonous lifestyles).  Tribonematales is an Order of filamentous algae that can be difficult to differentiate from filamentous green algae, whilst the Mischococcales are easily confused with small Chlorophyceae.


The organisation of the Xanthophyceae into five orders.  Organisation follows Algaebase.   The image at the top of this post shows Tribonema smothering the surface of a pond in Norfolk (photo: Geoff Phillips).

That’s one of the mysteries of freshwater algae: to the lay observer, an organism such as Vaucheria looks very similar to Cladophora or another green alga.  Yet they are distant relatives, belonging to different Kingdoms (Chromista and Plantae respectively).  That means that they share the same genetic affinity to one another as they do to us, which is a staggering thought (see “Who do you think you are?”).   What we are seeing is two organisms supremely well adapted to living in similar habitats, which means that natural selection has, gradually, shaped two quite distinct gene pools in quite different ways to arrive at the same end-point.   Just as motor manufacturers have, in the hatchback, found a style of car that is well-adapted to urban living, so the rival algae manufacturing corporations (“Plantae Inc” and “Chromista plc”) have come up with two broadly similar models that are both well-adapted to life in lowland streams.  Just as, in the case of hatchbacks, you can lift up the bonnet and see differences in the engine (petrol, diesel, hybrid, electric) but within the same basic shape, so many of the big differences in algal groups concern their internal machinery not outward appearances.


Reproductive structures growing from a filament of Vaucheria frigida (photo: Chris Carter)


Maistro, S., Broady, P.A., Andreoli, C. & Negrisolo, S. (2009).  Phylogeny and taxonomy of Xanthophyceae (Stramenopiles, Chromalveolata).  Protist 160: 412-426.


Links to posts describing representatives of the major groups of Xanthophyceae found in freshwaters.  Only the most recent posts are included, but these should contain links to older posts (you can also use the WordPress search engine to find older posts).

Group Link
Botrydiales Botryidium: The littoral ecology of Lough Down
Mischococcales Watch this space …
Rhizochloridales Watch this space …
Tribonemetales Tribonema: Survival of the fittest (1)
Vaucheriales Vaucheria: When the going gets tough …

Some other highlights from this week:

Wrote this whilst listening to: Two Hands, by Big Thief

Cultural highlights:  Jon Hopkins at the Sage.  What Radio 3’s Ibiza night might sound like.

Currently reading: the last few pages of Bill Bryson’s The Body: A Guide for Occupants (454 pages) prior to starting Hilary Mantel’s The Mirror and The Light (904 pages)

Culinary highlight: fish pie.  Spécialitié de la maison.


Shuffling the pack


The next group of algae I’m going to consider in my review of higher taxonomy and systematics, the Cyanobacteria, or “blue-green algae”, present some significant challenges.  Not least of these is a shift over the past forty years from being classified according to the rules of botanical nomenclature to being classified according to the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria.  The former assumed species could be defined from field material on the basis of morphology, with “type specimens” preserved in herbaria; the latter uses axenic (i.e. pure) cultures as the basic taxonomic unit, and allows a wider range of attributes than just morphology.   In recent years, as those who follow this blog will know, properties such as gene sequences have also been used to define species although the Code of Botanical (now Biological) Nomenclature still requires a description of the any new species that are described, with an expectation that the morphology will take a prominent role in that description.  As this post will show, morphology is no longer such a reliable indication of how Cyanobacteria are organised as it was in the past.

For practical purposes, many Cyanobacteria fall into the same size range as other algae, live in communities that include many protist groups and can be identified using similar techniques as would be employed to identify other algae.  They also have a form of photosynthesis that produces oxygen as an exhaust gas, in contrast to other bacteria which are capable of photosynthesis. This means that a default view of the Cyanobacteria as “algae” is a reasonable starting point for a field ecologist.   However, at an intercellular scale, the Cyanobacteria are very different to other algae, and we should never lose sight of the fact that they actually belong to a different Domain to other algae.

The problems are clear when I compare the morphology-based classification that I used when I first taught classes on algae in 1990 with the classifications that are accepted now.  Then, Cyanobacteria were divided into three or four orders, typically:

  • Chroococcales – single cells or cells loosely-bound into irregular gelatinous colonies
  • Oscillatoriales – filamentous forms lacking heterocysts
  • Nostocales – filamentous forms with heterocysts

The high-level classification, in other words, was based solely on whether or not the organism formed filaments and, if so, whether or not it possessed heterocysts (specialised cells responsible for nitrogen fixation).  This made logical sense when your primary source of insight is morphology.  Unfortunately, more recent studies have shown that it bears little relationship to the genetic relationships amongst the organisms that have been revealed over the past thirty years or so.   A more recent organisation is given in the diagram below.

First, note that this shows subclasses, rather than orders, within the class “Cyanophyceae” (the only class in the division Cyanophyta).   There is rarely unanimity amongst experts on the appropriate organisation of high-level classifications so just bear with me on this one.   Of the four sub-classes, one, Nostocophycidae, contains a single order (Nostocales) which includes all the heterocyst-bearing forms.  No change there.   However, the other two classes diverge very much from the older classifications in that they both contain a mixture of filamentous and non-filamentous forms.


The organisation of the Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) division into four sub-classes.  Filled boxes indicates the classes that are represented in UK and Irish freshwaters.   Organisation follows Algaebase.   The image at the top of this post shows a Microcystis bloom at Ladybower Reservoir (photo: Chris Carter)

The Oscillatoriophycidae is a good example, with five sub-classes, four of which are represented in the UK and Ireland.  Two of these have featured in several posts (see Appendix) so you can see for yourself just how different they are in appearance.  The Oscillatoriales includes filamentous forms without heterocysts whilst the Chrococcales has taxa that either exist as single cells or in masses loosely-bound within gelatinous colonies.    A similar situation exists within the Synechococcophycidae; indeed, some genera that would formerly have been considered to be relatives of taxa within Oscillatoriales (e.g. Schizothrix and Heteroleibiana) are now included in families in this group.   There is, however, still more work to be done to unravel all the relationships within this sub-class.   The current understanding is that there is a single order (“Synechococcales”) but a great number of families.  Similarly, all the heterocystous forms are grouped into a single order, the Nostocales, within the Nostocophycidae, also divided into a large number of families.


Organisation of the Oscillatoriophycidae showing the orders that include genera found in UK and Irish freshwaters.  

I always stress that taxonomy and identification are two distinct crafts: the taxonomist calls on a wide range of tools to find natural groupings of species at different levels whilst an ecologist only needs a parsimonious route to an unambiguous identification.  For the purposes of identification, recognising whether an organism is filamentous or not is a logical early step, even though both options will contain representatives of both Oscillatoriophycidae and Synecchococcophycidae.   We need to recognise that some of the characteristics that contribute to our taxonomic understanding (gene sequences, arrangement of thylakoids) are useless from the point of view of someone trying to name an organism encountered in a field sample but, at the same time, the taxonomist’s standpoint will not necessarily capture all of the features that explain how an organism contributes to energy and nutrient flow within ecosystems.


Calothrix stagnalis: a member of the Nostocales.  Note the heterocysts at the base of the filaments (photo: Chris Carter)


Mai, T., Johansen, J.R., Pietrasiak, N., Bohunciká, M. & Martin, M.P. (2018).  Revision of the Synechococcales (Cyanobacteria) through recognition of four families including Oculatellaceae fam. nov. and Trichocoleraceae fam. nov. and six new genera containing 14 species.  Phytotaxa 365: 1-59.

Palinska, K.A. & Surosz, W. (2014).  Taxonomy of cyanobacteria: a contribution to consensus approach.  Hydrobiologia 740: 1-11.


Links to posts describing representatives of the major groups of Cyanobacteria found in freshwaters.  Only the most recent posts are included, but these should contain links to older posts (you can also use the WordPress search engine to find older posts).

Group Link
Synechococcales Chamaesiphon: A bigger splash

Heteroleibleinia: River Ehen … again

Chrococcales Aphanothece: No excuse for not swimming …

Gloeocapsa: The mysteries of Clapham Junction …

Oscillatoriales Microcoleus: How to make an ecosystem

Oscillatoria: Transitory phenomena …

Phormidium: In which the spirit of Jeremy Clarkson is evoked …

Pleurocapsales Watch this space …
Spirulinales Spirulina/Arthospira: Twisted tales …
Nostocales Nostoc: How to make an ecosystem (2)

Rivularia: Both sides now

Scytonema, Stigonema, Tolypothrix: Tales from the splash zone

Some other highlights from this week:

Wrote this whilst listening to: Leonard Cohen’s posthumous album Thanks for the Dance.   And, as I used it to name a post, Joni Mitchell’s Both Sides Now.

Cultural highlights:  David Hockney: Drawing from Life at the National Portrait Gallery.   Great examination of the importance of drawing and observation to artistic practice.   By coincidence, another post I’ve cited is named after one of Hockney’s paintings

Currently reading: Robin Wall Kimmerer: Gathering Moss (Oregon State University Press).  A collection of essays on the natural and cultural history of mosses.

Culinary highlight: dinner at The Sichuan on City Road in London.


Rhapsody in red


On an overcast winter day with just a sprinkling of snow on the fells the Lake District can appear very monochrome.  Look closely at the bed of some rivers, however, and you are confronted by a much more vibrant palette with browns, greens and reds vying for your attention.  Somehow, paradoxically, the stream algae are at their most prolific and vigorous when the rest of Cumbria’s biological diversity has hunkered down to wait for the onset of Spring.

One of the most conspicuous groups at this time of the year are the red algae.  The green algae, diatoms and cyanobacteria are there all year round, even if winter is the time when they are most abundant.  The red algae, however, are barely evident – and certainly not to the naked eye – during the summer months.   It is only when autumn is well underway that the first blushes of pinkish red appear on the stones lining the beds of rivers.   This is in contrast to the red seaweeds which can be found on our coasts all year round, and indeed, to the many red algae that inhabit warm tropical seas.  What is so different about red algae in streams that leads them to favour the colder periods of the year?   What is it about streams, too, as I rarely see red algae in lakes (Batrachospermum is the exception: see “More algae from Shetland lochs”)?

This post will not answer those questions, but will give a quick overview of the red algae we find in freshwaters, in the manner of an earlier post about green algae (see “The big pictures …”).   The table below shows the systematics of the red algae, following a molecular phylogeny study by Hwan Su Yoon and colleagues from 2006.   There are two sub-phyla, of which one, Cyanidophytina, has no representatives recorded from the UK or Ireland.   There are just eight species in this group of primitive red algae, associated mostly with extreme environments.

The other subphylum, by contrast, has over 7000 species, divided between six classes, but 94 per cent of these are marine.   There are just thirteen genera of red algae recorded from freshwaters in the UK and Ireland, but spread amongst five of these six classes.   This seems to suggest that an ability to thrive in freshwaters has evolved several times during the evolution of this group.


The organisation of the red algae (Rhodophyta) showing division into two subphyla and seven classes.  Pink fill indicates the classes that are represented in UK and Irish freshwaters.   Organisation follows Algaebase and Yoon et al. (2006).    The photo at the top of this post shows Audouinella hermainii in the River Ehen, Cumbria, in December 2019.

Of the five classes that do have freshwater representatives, well over half of the genera and species recorded from the UK and Ireland are found in the Floridiophyceae.   This class has over 6900 species (95% of all red algae) split between 34 orders, of which five contain genera found in UK and Irish freshwaters.   Of these, the Batrachospermales, one of the few red algal orders that is exclusively freshwater, contains five genera and eleven species, whilst the other four contain just one genus each.

The Batrachospermales contain two morphologically-distinct groups of genera: Batrachospermum, Sheathia and Sirodotia form one of these, whilst Lemanea and Paralemanea form the other (see links below for more details and images).   Whilst we have molecular evidence that suggests that the Batrachospermales are a natural group, it is hard to point to a single characteristic that helps someone more interested in identification than taxonomy.   In fact, it is the life-cycle that is most distinctive (“… diplohaplontic … heteromorphic and contains a reduced tetrasporophyte”) but few of us are as well-schooled in algal life-cycles now as our predecessors were (see “Reflections from the Trailing Edge of Science”).   A hundred years ago, we would have had to rely upon the same limited set of morphological characters for both identification and taxonomy; now the taxonomist’s toolkit has expanded considerably whilst identification is still mostly reliant on features we can see with the naked eye or a light microscope.  For the red algae, this is still mostly enough to answer questions about what species we have found but unravelling the logic behind a classification may need a broader perspective.


Organisation of the Florideophycae showing the orders that include genera found in UK and Irish freshwaters.  



Entwisle, T.J., Vis, M.L., Chiasson, W.B., Necchi, O. & Sherwood, A.R. (2009).  Systematics of the Batrachospermales (Rhodophyta) – a synthesis.   Journal of Phycology 45: 704-715.

Yoon, H.S., Müller, K.M., Sheath, R.G., Ott, F.D. & Bhattacharya, D. (2006).  Defining the major lineages of red algae (Rhodophyta).  Journal of Phycology 42: 482-492.

van den Hoek, C., Mann, D.G. & Jahns, H.M. (1995).  Algae: an Introduction to Phycology.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


And some other cultural highlights from the week:

Wrote this whilst listening to: Dave’s Psychodrama,

Cultural highlights:  Dave’s performance of Black (from Psychodrama) at the Brits Award Show.  I would not normally have watched this but was stuck in a hotel room with no wifi reception and was totally blown away by the power of his performance.

Currently reading: Bill Bryson’s The Body

Culinary highlight: I’m trying to cook one meal each month using only UK-sourced ingredients, in order to help me focus on seasonal cycles.  My February effort was a beer and cheese fondue: very easy to cook, using beer from about 500 metres from my house (Durham Brewery’s Evensong) and a mixture of Cheddar and Lancashire cheeses from Durham Indoor Market.



Links to posts describing representatives of the major groups of red algae found in freshwaters.  Only the most recent posts are included, but these should contain links to older posts (you can also use the WordPress search engine to find older posts).

Group Link
Bangiophyceae Watch this space …
Bangiophyceae Watch this space …
Compsopogonophyceae Watch this space …
Achrochaetiales Something else we forgot to remember
Balbianiales The Hilda Canter-Lund prize
Batrachospermales Lemanea: The complicated life of simple plants

Batrachospermum: More algae from Shetland lochs

Hildenbrandiales More about red algae
Thoreales Watch this space
Porphyridiophyceae Watch this space …
Stylonematophyceae More pleasures in my own backyard